Regaining Respectful Political Dialogue: Better Angels in Austin, TX
Better Angels is an organization uniting conservative (red) and liberal/progressive (blue) Americans in a working alliance to depolarize America.
- As individuals, we try to understand the other side’s point of view, even if we don’t agree with it.
- In our communities, we engage those we disagree with, looking for common ground and ways to work together.
- In politics, we support principles that bring us together rather than divide us.
Better Angels is active in all 50 states with a growing membership of over 7000 dues-paying members today. Austin TX is the fastest growing chapter in Better Angels.
The presentation will describe the experience of a Better Angels “Red/Blue” workshop as well present a ‘mini-experience’ of our latest offering: Depolarizing Within. This experience will be conducted by a Better Angels certified moderator and is designed to reduce polarization driven by how we talk to like-minded people about those ‘on the other side.’

Steve Saltwick is a bio-psychologist whose career took a path
through high-tech on six continents. He studies the guiding
principles of the mammalian brain especially as it relates to
artificial intelligence. He has published in SCIENCE but
prefers to dote on his first grandchild and two border collies
as he volunteers for Better Angels and Hospice Austin.
Matt C. Wood is an attorney and partner at Weisbart
Springer Hayes, an Austin law firm that specializes in
business litigation. Matt is an avid traveler and looks
forward to the day when he and his wife can share
global adventures with their son Nash (6 months old).
Dr. Dixon is a former tenured Professor of Administrative
Sciences at The George Washington University, and served
on The University of Texas Human Resource Development
Graduate Faculty. Dr. Dixon serves as an Editorial Reviewer
for the Human Resource Development Quarterly and as a
Member of the Editorial Board for Management Learning
and for Action Learning: Research & Practice. She is a
member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the Journal of
Workplace Learning. She serves on the Advisory Panel for
Battle Command Knowledge Systems. Her book Common
Knowledge was recently selected as one of the best 100
business books.